Restorative Sundays


Join me for conscious relaxation!
How we relate to support is where the restorative energy comes in. Allow me to be your ambassador to connect to support from the Earth, the breath, from space, light, and warmth. This is physical, energetic, and mental support.

Learn non-doing & release over effort. Restorative yoga helps us to learn how to be in a relationship with tension:
*We can learn to be in a relationship with our fundamental restlessness and our fundamental spaciousness
*We can release unnecessary tension.
*We build awareness and take action.

Restorative yoga helps with biomechanic Issues: *We use props and support to create alignment & to release habitual tension

We create space for optimal support: *Connecting into the breath & this creates space for the movement of breath to down-regulate the nervous system this creates mental and emotional support, & balance at the level of the cells.
